Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision, Mission and Objectives


An international centre of excellence in training, research, practice and service in public health and health systems management


To produce public health graduates who have practical and intellectual skills appropriate to the needs of present and future society.

Quality Objectives

  • To design at least three undergraduate and four postgraduate degree programmes in public health that are innovative, competency-based and market driven within a period of two years and review existing curricula after every cycle in order to be responsive to societal needs
  • To maintain 90% student progression rate to the next level each academic year and a completion rate of 85% for undergraduate and 60% for postgraduate students
  • To conduct research that fosters professional development and provides evidence that influences implementation and policy making decisions in public health by producing ten peer reviewed publications and participating in ten conferences/workshops every academic year
  • To establish at least two mutually beneficial strategic partnerships and initiate establishment of at least one centre of excellence in emerging thematic areas of research in public health within a period of five years
  • To enhance efficiency, effectiveness and ethical conduct among staff through strategic planning and institutionalization of management, leadership and governance practices that create a conducive teaching and learning environment and motivate staff to perform optimally
  • To engage students, staff and other stakeholders in at least one corporate social responsibility activity and showcase three best practice in a public health interventions in a vulnerable community each academic year.